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Showing posts from June, 2020


COMMUNICATION is simply the act of transferring information from one place, person or group to another. Every communication involves (at least) one sender, a message and a recipient. This may sound simple, but communication is actually a very complex subject. The transmission of the message from sender to recipient can be affected by a huge range of things. These include our emotions, the cultural situation, the medium used to communicate, and even our location. The complexity is why good communication skills are considered so desirable by employers around the world: accurate, effective and unambiguous communication is actually extremely hard.    There is no doubt that communication plays a vital role in human life. It does not only help to facilitate the process of sharing information and knowledge, but also helps people to develop relationships with others. Therefore, the importance of communication cannot be underestimated. But even as important /vital communication is in t...


" I have found that “forgetting” is an important part of learning, particularly if I want to learn something deeply, gaining an intuitive understanding rather than just superficial facts. I immerse myself in studying something and then at a certain point my brain says “no more!” and it becomes stressful and I don’t seem to be making any progress. So I leave it for a few days (or weeks, or months) and then come back to it when it is no longer stressful (the right time seems to be when I start dreaming about it). Then I may have forgotten many of the surface details but I find it is so much easier to understand and remember the material and I can go further before I reach the “no more!” point again. It is as though my brain is doing a huge amount of reorganizing, unconsciously, during those interstitial times. Traditional learning does not usually give you the opportunity to take breaks when you need them. "        - KAIA " O gosh, that describes me too. I think...


   I won't even like to call it "subject" I would prefer "matters or issues of life" that should be attended to in schools. Like I have said earlier in one of my previous blogs and as we all know that the school system is filled with abstract subjects, subjects that are far from reality. School, school teachers is a very strong influence in the life of every individual. Teaching / Lecturing is not a job , it is a ministry , it is divine. But you see society calls it a job just because at the end of the month the pay check comes in not knowing that you are part of a system molding a life here, you are molding a destiny. I for once would never forget my first year primary school teacher, why, because she taught me how to read and everyone reads or everyone should read. There are adult individuals in their thirties and forties and even above that still make references to their lecturers/teachers back in their school years. Therefore school and teachers play a signi...


   Now let's cut down that bullshit saying "ooh, I don't get hurt because I expect nothing from nobody". Now that's bullshit! We are all humans, and as humans we feed off of vibration from each other, we become stronger as individuals when we absorb the positive vibes and energy from our surroundings,people around us. When we come together as a people we are stronger in unity, an unstoppable force of nature. But we live in a world that is filled with control freaks or as some would like to call them, the oppressors, ego perverts and nothing is more threatening to an oppressor than unity of the people. So they do anything and everything in their power to keep us divided and easy to control. And I see this happen in every area of life, every level of life. Tribes are turned against tribes, religion against religion, families against families, brothers against brothers , sisters against sisters and friend against friend.    And as a victim of expectation, who wouldn...

Find x

    WTF!!! Before you tell kids to find x, can u explain to them why 'x' is used to represent the unknown. If not, why not find a, b, c, d . . .w,y...z. And how come alphabets can be calculated? Last time I checked they were used to spell words to form a sentence, how come now you can add, subtract, multiply, minus and divide alphabets and get your answers as an alphabet?. These are few of many questions going on in the mind and hearts of every so-called Slow Learner. And how is this subject matter applicable to everyday real life issues.             SLOW LEARNER STUDY GROUP                                   Est.1995


   At a very young age, we are categorized by the school system into two groups, the slow learner and the fast learner. But as a slow learner and as you get older, you begin to realise that they were wrong all along, that you don't have a learning disability but instead, you think for yourself and you found it so hard to go along with the flow. You are called a slow learner because you have a powerful "why" for every and any abstract subjects thrown your way, you have a solid reason for every of your actions and you also expect everyone should do the same. Learning is a process and not a goal.        I am a slow learner and that means that I: Remember the things I've learned and integrate them into my actions Have patience to devote the time necessary to really learn a subject Seek out the experts on a subject and absorb everything I can from them Find value in many different sources I'm not afraid of being called slow, freeing me to learn subjects that don...